Lutheran Northwest

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Friday Night Lights: Senior Farewell Chapel Update

Start with a Parade!

A senior parade has been coordinated for TODAY 5/29, prior to the Friday Night Lights: Senior Farewell Chapel. Seniors who would like to participate should arrive in their decorated car no later than 7:40 pm at the Rochester High School parking lot by the football field. The same rules will apply here as at Lutheran Northwest. Students should remain in their vehicles in order to maintain and respect proper social distancing guidelines. The parade of cars will leave Rochester HS at 7:50 pm in order to get to Lutheran Northwest in time for their event. The cars will be led by a police escort and process South on Livernois to Lutheran Northwest. 

At the end of the parade, seniors are invited to come to LHNW and park their car in the parking lot (we will help guide vehicles to the appropriate spots). We ask at this time that students remain in their vehicles and do not congregate or socialize outside of their vehicles in order to maintain and respect proper social distancing guidelines. Please feel free to decorate your cars to reflect your accomplishments... YOU’RE GRADUATING FROM HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

StuCo and the faculty and staff of LHNW have a special “drive in” movie/chapel event scheduled in your honor!!! We will begin our event exactly at 8:20 pm (20:20- military time)!! We will enjoy some fun times with special messages from your teachers and memories from your classmates!

There is no RSVP required... and we hope that you ALL will choose to come!! If you have any questions- please feel free to email Mrs. Klausmeier at

If severe weather prevents the event from occurring, it will be rescheduled for Saturday, May 30.

See you TONIGHT!!! We will “light up the sky” in celebration of our Senior Crusaders!!!!