Lutheran Northwest

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Senior Jack Miller's Gift to LHNW

We here at Lutheran Northwest are blessed in many, many ways by the gifts of our students! They give freely of their time and talents to support our school, and we are deeply grateful.

Senior Jack Miller recently displayed his generosity and support of Lutheran Northwest in a particularly unique way: He donated a set of chairs, handcrafted by him, for the drawing at the annual Crusader Golf Outing!

Jack began woodworking when his family spent a couple of months Up North during the pandemic shutdown. He honed his skills over the past 2-1/2 years and has sold 15 sets of chairs…and counting. Each set takes approximately eight man-hours to complete, so this was a big commitment for Jack. And, as you can see, the finished products are beautiful works of art!

Well done, Jack! Thank you!

(Chair photo courtesy of Mellissa Greene.)