Lutheran Northwest

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God's Blessings, Mrs. Klausmeier!

We will miss you!

We wish Godspeed to Mrs. Veronica Klausmeier, Lutheran Northwest English Teacher, who is leaving us this summer to relocate to South Carolina! Mrs. Klausmeier has taught at Lutheran Northwest since 2016, but she has been part of our Crusader family since 2010 as the parent of three alums (Jake ’14, Noah ’16 and Sara ’20). We have been richly blessed by Mrs. Klausmeier’s ministry here at Lutheran Northwest, and we are grateful for the gifts she has shared with us!

We asked Mrs. Klausmeier to share her thoughts as she moves on to the next phase of her life:

I have loved EVERY moment of my time here at Lutheran High Northwest! Coming to LHNW four years ago was not only a goal achieved but a dream realized! Not a day that I spent working on this campus or with these students is a day that I would change for anything- except that I wish that it could be longer! While I am excited for new opportunities and adventures, change is never something that I ever feel comfortable fully embracing- especially when my “now’ is exactly where I want to be... however, I know that God leads us down paths for reasons unknown to us, and this is where our paths must diverge for the moment, and so, in the immortal words of Robert Frost- “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry that I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood... I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.’ 

Thank you for the opportunities and the blessings to be among you, even for a moment in time. I pray that if our paths should cross again that we are able to come together with love and laughter. My best to all of the Lutheran High Northwest family and friends community! Crusader Nation... Crusader Strong... Crusaders Will!!!