sponsored by Michigan Waterproofing & lpl financial
Saturday, September 17
WestWynd Golf Course
4161 Adams Road
Oakland Township, MI 48306
The annual Lutheran Northwest Crusader Golf Outing is an outstanding opportunity to enjoy a day full of golf and Christian fellowship! Come on out with your friends and support Lutheran Northwest and our amazing Parent Network!
Sponsorship Deadline: Wednesday, September 7
Golf Registration Deadline, Wednesday, September 14
breakfast at registration
hot dogs & chips on the course
beverage cart with 2 free pops/domestic beers
sponsorship opportunities
hole sponsor - $100
business sign displayed at a hole on the golf course ($100 per sign).
Acknowledgment on scrolling display table signs during lunch.
Par Sponsor - $300
Two business signs displayed at two separate holes on the golf course.
Business name/logo displayed on sponsorship banner.
acknowledgement on scrolling display and table signs during lunch.
Birdie Sponsor - $500
Two business signs displayed at two separate holes on the golf course.
Business name/logo displayed on sponsorship banner.
official breakfast sponsor for the golf outing with separate additional banner.
acknowledgment on scrolling display and table signs during lunch.
one ticket to participate in the golf outing.
Eagle sponsor - $700
Two business signs displayed at two separate holes on the golf course.
business name/logo displayed on sponsorship banner.
official breakfast and dinner sponsor for the golf outing with a separate additional banner.
acknowledgment on scrolling display and table signs during lunch.
two tickets to participate in the golf outing.
Master Sponsor - $1,000
Two business signs displayed at two separate holes on the golf course.
Business name/logo displayed on sponsorship banner.
official breakfast and dinner sponsors for the golf outing with a separate additional banner.
acknowledgement on scrolling display and table signs during lunch.
four tickets to participate in the golf outing.
Crusader Sponsor - $2,000
Two business signs displayed at two separate holes on the golf course.
business name/logo displayed on sponsorship banner.
official breakfast and dinner sponsor for the golf outing with a separate additional banner.
acknowledgment on scrolling display and table signs during lunch.
four tickets to participate in golf outing.
business name/logo on the Lutheran Northwest website advertising it as the title sponsor of the Crusader Golf Outing.
$130 per golfer
$520 per group
8:00am Registration
9:00am Shotgun Start