Crusader Career Day


Exploring Options for Life in the World of Work
Career Day 2020

Every other year since 2008, Lutheran Northwest Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Kelly Fink, has coordinated a very special opportunity for our students to learn about a wide range of career options without even leaving our school building!

Nearly 40 individuals representing all different disciplines visited Lutheran Northwest for Career Day 2020 on January 30, sharing information about their professions and fielding questions from our students. Students selected three “career clusters” in advance from a list that included Business; Health Care; Education, Ministry & Human Services; Law, Public Safety & Corrections; Computer Technology; Applied Science & Engineering, Architecture & Construction; Arts; Music; and Trades. Students were then able to hear first-hand from panels of professionals within their chosen areas of interest. What an outstanding opportunity for our Crusaders to learn about potential careers as they think ahead to life after high school!

We are very grateful for the many participants who volunteered their time to speak with our students and share their passion for their work. Career Day 2020 was a big success, and we couldn’t have done it without you!


Mary Gutenkunst