Welcome, John Alwardt!
John Alwardt
Lutheran Northwest
English Teacher
We're proud to announce that John Alwardt will be joining the Lutheran High Northwest team and filling the role of English teacher. This is John’s first full academic school year with the LHSA; he completed a long-term substitute position at Northwest this past school year. John retired in June of 2019 from L’Anse Creuse Public School after teaching for thirty years. He taught composition, yearbook, speech, debate, and acting classes in addition to A.P. Literature and A.P. Language during his career. Over the course of his career with LCPS, John directed numerous plays and musicals, coached volleyball, basketball, and tennis and directed the L’Anse Creuse Summer Day Program. He has been married to his beautiful wife Shelley for the past 26 years; they have three remarkable children: Megan, Ethan, and Jonathan.
John is a native of Mt. Clemens, Michigan. He is a graduate of Western Michigan University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education with majors in English and communications. John earned a Masters in the Art of Education from Marygrove College.
Please warmly welcome John as a Crusader and get to know him through our Staff Spotlight 20 Questions below!
Staff Spotlight: John Alwardt
20 Questions
What are three words to best describe you?
Motivated, positive, and energetic (hence the reason I cannot retire – too much energy).
When did you know that you wanted to be in the Lutheran high school environment and what led you to pursue that path?
When I decided to retire from LCPS, I shared with a teaching friend that I would love to teach in a Christian setting. That teacher friend was the one who connected me with the long-term sub position at LHNW last school year. I am happy to be back.
What’s your favorite Bible verse?
“Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4: 6-7
What is your favorite cartoon and why?
Disney Channel’s Phineas and Ferb. The emphasis on imagination and creativity coupled with a satirical poke at pop culture always made the show funny and interesting.
What was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
I taught part-time at Baker College for fourteen years. I taught courses that prepared students to become teachers. I found this interesting because I could share with them my experiences while also learning how to become a better teacher myself. I also found it interesting because I had students who ranged in ages. My oldest student was 70, and she had the spirit and drive of someone MUCH younger. She went on to substitute teach for a few years.
Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?
I have two. I can look at most things and then draw it freehand with ease. I can also talk like Donald Duck.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
Time Travel. I would love the ability to go back in time to see and/or to experience parts of history that fascinate me, and I would use this power to visit again with some important people from my past who have since passed away.
What’s your favorite food?
My favorite food is a dessert. It is the Cassata Cake from Holy Cannoli’s in downtown Rochester. The Best!
What’s your least favorite food?
What’s your favorite place that you’ve traveled and why?
Hawaii – my wife and I traveled there to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We went with good friends and had a blast.
Where would you like to travel next and why?
I would love to travel to Ireland. My grandfather was born in Dublin and spent part of his youth there. I would like to see the sights of Ireland, explore the culture, and trace my grandfather’s lineage.
What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?
I once rode the Buzz Lightyear Ride at Disneyland with actor, Hugh Jackman.
What’s one hobby you’d like to get into?
I want to learn how to play the piano.
What’s your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?
My favorite sports are hockey and baseball. Though they have had lackluster seasons recently, I still root for the Red Wings and the Tigers. I am hopeful for better seasons in the future.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Oddly, I can be both.
Are you a dog person or a cat person (neither or both)?
Dog person, for sure. I love my Golden Retriever named Cooper.
What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year?
Favorite memory from 2020: watching my son and his teammates beat a powerhouse team to clinch the Division 1 Regional Championship in hockey.
What’s your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving. It is always a relaxing day spent with family while enjoying a good meal and many laughs.
What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
One of my college professors offered me this simple advice: “Never stop challenging yourself.” The older I get, the more relevant that advice becomes.
Is there any advice you’d offer to current and future Lutheran Northwest students?
Yes, I would offer them the same advice that was given to me long ago – “Never stop challenging yourself.” Do not let the fear of failure or fear of judgment deter you from becoming a better version of yourself. Taking risks is an inevitable part of life and sometimes those risks will rock your comfort zone.