Gifts For All God's Children 2022
GFAGC Executive Director (and former LHNW parent) Mrs. Patti Jacques
For many years, Lutheran Northwest has been blessed to be a part of the amazing Christmas outreach program of Gifts for All God’s Children, a local organization that works to share Christ’s love and to meet the needs of at-risk children in Southeast Michigan.
GFAGC Executive Director Patti Jacques spoke to the Crusaders before Chapel on November 11 to kick off this year’s program at Lutheran Northwest.
If you would like to be a part of this program and go that extra mile in helping others, you may sponsor a child by purchasing an item from his or her list, or you may want to invite family and friends to participate and purchase ALL the items on a child’s list! Your gifts will go to children who will hear that God loves them and who will be assured that they matter through this wonderful program. What a beautiful message to have the opportunity to share!
Sign up below and remember to bring your gifts to Mrs. DeLanoy’s room December 5-6.
Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out all of the awesome work done by Gifts for All God’s Children and learn how you can contribute to this organization throughout the year!